Preliminary Land Development Plan
The Preliminary Land Development Plan (PLDP) is the technical document required under the City of Pittsburgh Zoning Code for large development areas. The PLDP establishes a set of requirements for accomplishing the Vision of the project and the conditions outlined in the Special Plan District (SPD) zoning. The PLDP includes sections identified as Regulating Plans which describe the requirements for streets, blocks, buildings and Open Spaces. The PLDP also includes the requirements and goals for the sustainable development of the site and the design standards for private and public right of way improvements. The PLDP includes a section showing an Illustrative Master Plan, this plan is intended to demonstrate the requirements of the Regulating Plans, the goals of the PLDP and is based on a market study which identified the potential scale and mix of the development. The Illustrative Master Plan development program is used to generate estimates of economic impacts, utility loads and parking and traffic impacts.
When a specific project is identified within the SPD district a Final Land Development Plan (FLDP) submission is prepared for public input and approval by the Planning Commission. The FLDP provides specific information about the building or project and identifies materials, uses and related information such as parking and signage. The FLDP must be consistent with and conforming to the SPD and PLDP.
In 2015 the PAR and McCormack Baron Salazar the Lead Residential Developer engage the architecture and planning firm of Bjarke Ingals Group "BIG" based in the Netherlands and New York to provide input and a vision for the site building on the principles outlined in the PLDP and SP Zoning Text. After four months of work including public meetings BIG presented their "New Lower Hill Master Plan and Appendix". The master plan vision is based on enhanced accessibility and improving linkages between Downtown, the site and the greater Hill District through a series of interconnected pathways. The vision plan proposed building typologies for the residential and commercial areas of the site. As development plans are advanced the BIG Lower Hill New Master Plan will be a source of inspiration and reference in addition to the PLDP and SP Text Amendment and elements of the plan may be incorporated in whole or in part.
When a specific project is identified within the SPD district a Final Land Development Plan (FLDP) submission is prepared for public input and approval by the Planning Commission. The FLDP provides specific information about the building or project and identifies materials, uses and related information such as parking and signage. The FLDP must be consistent with and conforming to the SPD and PLDP.
In 2015 the PAR and McCormack Baron Salazar the Lead Residential Developer engage the architecture and planning firm of Bjarke Ingals Group "BIG" based in the Netherlands and New York to provide input and a vision for the site building on the principles outlined in the PLDP and SP Zoning Text. After four months of work including public meetings BIG presented their "New Lower Hill Master Plan and Appendix". The master plan vision is based on enhanced accessibility and improving linkages between Downtown, the site and the greater Hill District through a series of interconnected pathways. The vision plan proposed building typologies for the residential and commercial areas of the site. As development plans are advanced the BIG Lower Hill New Master Plan will be a source of inspiration and reference in addition to the PLDP and SP Text Amendment and elements of the plan may be incorporated in whole or in part.
- Preliminary Land Development Plan
- New Lower Hill Master Plan / Appendix
January 25, 2016